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Top 5 Study Tips to Start the School Year Strong

| By Joy Keke |

The school year is just around the corner, which means returning to old routines. With a long summer break behind us, Youth Tutoring is here to help you start the school year strong.

Mind Mapping: Mind maps are used to represent ideas or concepts. The idea is to make connections between concepts and ideas visually. A mind map helps to reveal the overall structure of a subject, as well as the relative importance of different parts of it. Making new connections between ideas with them can be very useful when you need to think creatively. Solving problems with this method is useful. Furthermore, they encourage the brain to make associations between different keywords, phrases, and images. Students can use them to brainstorm ideas for creative projects (alone or in groups), and plan and structure work such as essays, reports, and presentations, and brainstorm ideas for creative projects. Using mind maps as a revision aid can be very helpful in breaking down complex information and improving memory and recall. To effectively use this study technique, try writing down as many key concepts as possible within 30 minutes and see how much you can remember. Afterward, review your notes and fill in any gaps that you may have missed.

Pomodoro Technique: If you are struggling to stay focused on a task for long periods of time, you might find the Pomodoro Technique helpful. This approach involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a five-minute break. After completing four consecutive work intervals, you can take a longer break, usually lasting 15 to 30 minutes. This technique can be especially helpful when dealing with math problems because it allows you to come back to them with renewed mental clarity and refreshed energy.

Self-Made Quizzes: A great way to enhance your learning skills is by creating your own quizzes. This method involves going through the material and then trying to recollect as much information as possible by answering specific questions without looking back at the text. For instance, after reading a passage from your textbook, you can write down everything you remember from it. You can also use flashcards to test your understanding of important concepts. Consistent self-quizzing can increase retention by up to 50% as compared to simply reading notes. Furthermore, it aids in retaining information in your memory for the long term.

Flashcards: The main purpose of using flashcards is to help students actively remember information, which strengthens their memory and creates a lasting connection to the subject matter. Flashcards also offer the benefits of being flexible and customizable, allowing users to tailor them to their unique learning needs and preferences.

Colour-coded notes: One effective way to strengthen the connections between concepts is to colour-code your notes. By using different shades while taking notes, you can better visualize the links between the lessons you've learned, leading to improved comprehension. This approach also enhances your ability to study and maintain focus. Moreover, studies have shown that the use of colours can enhance memory performance. Therefore, it's recommended to write notes using colourful pens and highlighters as it helps in memorizing information. Devoting more attention to a subject increases the likelihood of remembering it.

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