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The Importance of Reading Every Day

| By Ameesh Mehrotra |

| Edited by Isabella Forodi |

Daily reading is very good for children. It does not only boost academic performance but also instills love for learning and inquisitiveness about the world that lasts a lifetime. Many reasons exist why it is important for kids to read daily.

Firstly, reading helps improve language skills. When they encounter new words, sentence structures, and ideas, children can become better at expressing themselves both orally and through writing. This exposure to language makes them both more capable of understanding and speaking effectively.

Moreover, reading encourages empathy and emotional intelligence. Using stories, children can see other people’s perspectives as well as different emotions. Hence, helping them get the proper social skills that are important in building their relationships.

Furthermore, reading broadens horizons. Books can transport children to various locations or even times; even imaginary places! This then ignites creativity and inspires thinking beyond the conventional. They are also exposed to diverse cultures, ideas and opinions; promoting open-mindedness and tolerance.

After all, reading is a great way of unwinding and de-stressing. This is because it relieves children from the pressures of everyday life and transports them into another world entirely. This can be very relieving and helpful to our mental health.

In conclusion, reading every day strongly influences personal growth and academic accomplishments. By cultivating passion for books, we enable our kids to cultivate the skills required for future thriving. So why don’t you spark your child’s interest in books today and watch his or her talent grow?

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