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Getting Ready For High School

| By Mehak Naik |

| Edited by Aanya Chadha |

High school seems daunting at first sight, but when you really break it down, you see there is nothing really to it. It’s like middle school, but bigger, and just a tad bit more work. Though I'm sure you'll take the challenge in stride, let's talk about some stuff which will make your first day easier. 

1. Backpack Prep 

Though the workload of high school differs from middle school, your supplies will mostly be the same. Make sure to carry . . .

  1. Pencils

  2. Erasers

  3. Pens/highlighters 

  4. Notebooks/Binders 

Depending on your electives, you may need to be carrying extra items, such as a sketchbook for visual arts. But don't worry at all about these materials on the first day, because your teacher will specify what you need and what you don't, and you'll have plenty of time to get those materials. 

You may also need a device which you can type and do all your work on. Although you may not need these on the first day, your teacher will either tell you to bring a device such as laptop/chromebook from home, or if you're unable to, the school can also provide you with such a device to do your work on. 

2. Going to the Orientation 

High Schools often give an orientation day for all incoming grade 9 students a day before classes start. This is vital, as it will teach you how to read your schedule, find your classes, know some teachers and make friends. Knowing the general layout of the school, and being able to find your classes takes away a lot of anxiety on your first day. 

3.  Your Attitude 

Be positive! Yes, it's nerve wracking, but you don't have to worry. On the first day, there are often teachers to help guide all the freshmen and the orientation helps get you to understand your schedule and find your classes. Don't be afraid to ask questions to teachers or students, because everyones been in your shoes before. They've all had their first days, and now it's your turn. 


In the end, there's not much to your first day. There is nothing to be anxious about, and you'll soon find yourself comfortable in your new environment. And a last little tip is to just be yourself! Finally, thank you for reading this and I wish you the best!

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