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Creating a Productive Study Space at Home

| By Tara Shekouri |

Having a personalized study space at home that motivates you to be productive and concentrate on your school work is necessary for effective learning and academic success. Without a well-equipped and comfortable study space, completing tasks may feel like a major challenge. The physical location you’re in has a significant influence on your ability to focus—making it essential to create an environment that is functional and free of distractions. 

Although tempting, avoid studying in bed or on a couch and find a desk instead. The bed and couch offer a space of comfort and relaxation, which may limit your focus and productivity. Neither of these locations offer adequate space for your notebooks, writing supplies, etc. In particular, studying in your bed may impact your sleep because you begin to associate your bed with work rather than sleep—ultimately encouraging your mind to continue to wander even when it is bedtime. A desk, on the other end, not only allows for enough space and flexibility, but allows you to stay organized while associating the environment with work.

Furthermore, create an environment that is comfortable, enjoyable, and inspiring. To do so, you may want to use a laptop stand to sit comfortably and avoid hunching, keep a blanket nearby if it becomes cold, organize your supplies and ensure your space is uncluttered, and so on. Additionally, consider the materials you use most frequently and dedicate a place for each of them. An important aspect of designing this environment is making it your own—select colours that you find calming/motivating, display your favourite inspirational quote, include a small plant, etc. In fact, research has concluded that given their green colour, plants stimulate productivity and creativity. Also, ensuring your workspace is well-lit will prevent eye strain and enhance your studying experience.

One aspect of studying that is often challenging is managing the distractions. With our phones, messages, and social media readily accessible, it is tempting to fall into the online spiral, even in the midst of studying. However, turning your notifications off and turning on Do Not Disturb are very convenient ways to separate yourself from reaching for your phone while studying. A further step you could take is placing your phone further away from yourself, such as across the room or perhaps in a different room. Doing so will allow you to remain on task and perform your best. Additionally, try to limit distracting sounds. For example, you may enjoy listening to music, but lyrics are sometimes distracting. Instead, you could switch to music suitable for studying.

When workloads become heavy, it can feel overwhelming to sit at your desk and begin to tackle an unorganized pile of tasks that need to be completed. Therefore, you may want to keep a to-do list or a calendar on you in order to track projects, tests, deadlines, and ultimately, organize your thoughts. Adding to your to-do list or calendar is most effective when you arrive home after school while everything is fresh in your mind. As a bonus, crossing items off your to-do list after accomplishing them feels rewarding and motivates you to tackle the next. Furthermore, keeping a to-do list or calendar allows you to prioritize upcoming deadlines and heavier, more time-consuming tasks.

Thus, setting up a well-organized and personalized study space at home is crucial for effective learning and academic success. By creating an environment that is functional, comfortable, and inspiring, you can enhance your focus and productivity throughout the school year.

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