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A Guide for a Well-Balanced School Lunch

| By Tara Shekouri |

As the school year comes to a start and schedules begin getting filled with tasks and responsibilities, it is extremely important to take care of one’s body. One of the main ways to do so is feeding the body with healthy and nutritious foods. Although easy and convenient to pack ready-to-eat lunches and packaged snacks, these options often fall short in providing the variety of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Instead, taking a few extra minutes to pack a well-balanced meal and snacks can make a big difference in how you feel and work throughout the day. Here is a simple guide that highlights a few essential components to include in your school lunch.


Protein is an extremely important nutrient for the human body as it helps build and repair tissues, supports the immune system, and is critical for muscle growth and maintenance. Furthermore, protein can help to keep you fuller for a longer period while providing the body the energy. Some sources include turkey, fish, or chicken, while some plant-based options include tofu or beans. These can be incorporated into sandwiches/wraps, salads, and so on. Furthermore, dairy products such as cheese or yogurt contain protein, while additionally offering calcium, which is crucial for bone health.  


Fibre is essential for giving the body energy, supporting bowel health, as well as keeping the body full. Including enough fibre in your school lunches can also aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, thereby helping to maintain consistent energy and focus throughout the day. Vegetables high in fibre, such as bell peppers and carrots, and whole grains, like brown rice or whole wheat bread, can be excellent additions to your lunch. 

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are very important for supporting gut health, improving blood cholesterol levels, and brain function. In fact, consuming them can aid in the absorption of vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin A, which are fat-soluble. Some sources of healthy fats include avocado, seeds, and nuts, with can be eaten as a snack or added into a salad for a couple examples. Furthermore, you could use olive and avocado oil for instance as salad dressings.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are crucial elements in a balanced diet, offering vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also provide the body with fibre, which serves to prevent/relieve constipation while promoting healthy gut microbiota. Incorporating fruits such as apples and oranges into your school lunch can not only be a sweet treat but provide essential nutrients and a quick energy boost. In addition, vegetables such as carrots and bell pepper are important for brain and eye health. Overall, fruits and vegetables are versatile, and you could incorporate them into your school lunch by adding them to salads, using them as sandwich toppings, or enjoying them as simple, refreshing snacks on the side.

Stay Hydrated!

There are several beverages to choose from to enjoy alongside your meal, however, water is the most healthy choice. From helping transport nutrients to cells to protecting organs and joints, maintaining your body temperature, and so on—water is vital to many functions in the human body. If struggling to consume more water in your diet, there are some different ways to make it more enjoyable, such as incorporating slices of fruit, mint leaves, a few drops of lemon. You may also opt for sparkling water without any added sugar as an alternative to sugary beverages. 

Note: make sure to double-check your school’s food regulations and policies for any restrictions on ingredients or types of food that can be brought.

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