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4 Tips on How to Study Effectively

Updated: Jul 19

| By Ashley Chen |

As school progresses, the amount of work also starts to pile up. Many students may start to feel overwhelmed as this happens, and a few fall behind. At the Youth Tutoring Program, it’s our goal to make sure that no student is left behind! But, before you come to a tutoring session, make sure to try out these 6 tips to keep track and stay on top of your school work.

TIP 1: Use a calendar!

Sticking to a set calendar is one of the most effective ways to keep track of tasks. You can set your tests and deadlines the Sunday before the start of the week on an online or physical calendar. This is one of the best ways to visualize your assignments and tests, and keep track of when to study for what subject. It’s also a good habit to keep up, especially as you approach high school, since high school is one of the most hectic phases of school, and a calendar set will definitely come in handy.

If physical calendars aren’t effective for you, there are many online options. One of my favourites is, for task managing, and google calendar for calendar planning.

TIP 2: Stick to a routine.

Going along with using a calendar, setting daily routines as the school year goes on is also a good idea. A good example of a routine is prioritizing a class, for example, math class, because you know the homework always takes an hour longer than all other classes. Doing different subjects at different times allows your brain to form its own schedule. Over time, knowing that schedule subconsciously will allow you to automatically start doing your homework.

TIP 3: Use the 10-second rule to stop procrastination.

What is the 10-second rule? It’s the rule to avoid procrastination. When you find yourself procrastinating, or getting distracted, immediately stop. Close your eyes and think about your priorities for 10 seconds. When we procrastinate, it’s because we’re avoiding something, or not doing something we should be. Usually, this results in you not getting the outcome that you want, and staying up even later to finish whatever it is you need to get done.

The 10-second rule usually works, and forces you into really thinking about your actions and what the outcome would be if you keep procrastinating.

TIP 4: Power naps are key.

Occasionally, an all-nighter is necessary, or even a late-nighter. After an entire day of school, and realizing you have many projects to complete, sports, or even music practice, exhaustion is completely expected. 15-20 minute power naps are a great way to get enough energy to power you through all the homework that you still have left. All-nighters aren’t ideal, but if needed, power naps every 3-4 hours will also keep you from dozing off during the night and even the next school morning.

With these 4 tips, you’re well-equipped to deal with a busy schedule and school year! If any additional help is needed with material, YTP’s study sessions are always open. Make sure to stop by!

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