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3 Ways to Stay Driven Throughout the School Year

| By Tara Shekouri |

Staying motivated throughout the school year is sometimes a challenge, but there are steps that can be taken to make an impact in helping you push forward with determination and confidence. This blog discusses a few simple and efficient strategies.

While setting more long-term goals throughout your academic and personal journey is important for maintaining a sense of direction and a clearer vision for your future, it is equally vital to break these down into smaller, achievable steps. Set yourself weekly and even daily goals. For example, if you’re preparing for a test, set a goal to review one section of material each day rather than trying to study everything at once. 

Furthermore, ensure you’re taking your mental health into consideration throughout your academic journey and making adjustments to your life accordingly—because it could eventually result in burnout as pressure accumulates. If days are feeling repetitive, switch up your routine. For instance, you may choose to study in a library for a couple of days or dedicate some of your time to taking walks when you’re not studying.

One’s mindset plays a significant role in shaping their approach to tasks and obstacles. Adopting a positive mindset allows you to feel more relaxed and confident while remaining disciplined—further encouraging you to develop healthy habits and consistency in order to excel in your classes. Viewing challenges as growth opportunities and reflecting on how far you have come along your journey, for instance, is key to staying resilient. 

Thus, setting yourself smaller goals, considering your mental health, as well as shifting your mindset to ensure you are taking on an attitude and approach that is healthy and that will allow you to grow, are vital to your drive. They join together to form the cornerstone of staying motivated throughout the year, helping you to avoid feeling discouraged or burnt out. 

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